How Indian astrology is looked at all around the World?

Spiritual Astrology is the study of heavenly bodies on earth and the Indian astrology is perhaps one of the oldest astrology in the world. One thing that is very peculiar about Indian astrology is the fact that it has substantial difference in its principles and logics from the western astrology. The Indian horoscope is known for widely using the stars and different constellations. Owing to this reason the birth chart that one builds using the principles of Indian astrology is totally different from the one that western astrologers make based on their understanding.

The most vital aspect if Indian horoscope is the fact that it takes into account the place, time and date of birth of an individual while building his or her birth chart. Vedic astrology, generally, is the study of positions of heavenly bodies such as Sun, Moon, Mars etc., with respect to the zodiac and the understanding of the effect of such heavenly bodies on the events in earth in the life of an individual or a country or the whole world. It's known as Vedic astrology, as the principles on which the understanding and study are made were first specified in the Vedas- the foremost treatise of ancient Hindu philosophy. Astrology is an unbelievable tool of self discovery, no matter how far you decide to take it. At first, the pieces of the puzzle might not seem to fit. However, if you stick with it, at a certain point it ‘clicks' and the orchestrations of the cosmic dance make sense. If meaningless events surround your life, astrology can be a comforting sign that maybe things happen for a reason. It can put light on inner contradictions and natural strengths. Astrology can be mysterious at first, due to the involvement of a different kind of wisdom.

However, there are efficient Indian astrologers who have years of experience and understand astrology from its root. Even the Vedic astrologers and astrologer Pune have a deep knowledge of the whereabouts of astrology and can help people out to know this type of astrology in deep. Astrology is the most admired system of prediction which is used extensively all over the world since years. The one who practice astrology is known as an astrologist. Indian astrologers cast the native's horoscope, which is mainly a diagram of the position of planets and signs of the zodiac at a particular time and place. It's a mirror in which astrologer in Mumbai can see one's past, present as well as future. Horoscope is simply like a snapshot of a particular place in space and time. If that instant in time is the time of birth of a person and the space is his birthplace, then that horoscope is known as a natal horoscope or natal chart or birth chart.

There are twelve houses in a horoscope from which an astrologer can predict about several areas of the life of a person. This horoscope enables the astrologer to know that it contains what type of promise and on its basis, he can know quite easily as to what the future has in store for the native. For calculating the timing of an event, which one can predict on the basis of this promise, the majority of astrologers use the knowledge of impact or major period and transit. The author of this article is an ardent provides Indian astrology services in Pune and is quite impressed with the way Indian astrologers perform. He finds Pandit Raj Shastri Ji to be a very good astrologer in Delhi, Mumbai and thus recommends him to all his readers.

Pandit Raj Shastri Ji is an internationally acclaimed Astrologer, vedic astrologer, Indian astrologer, jyotish with over 20 years of experience as a full time consulting astrologer in Mumbai, jyotish in Vedic Astrology & Indian Astrology. He is a long standing member of the astrological community in the India, USA, Canada, Australia.

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