Vedic Astrology and Western Astrology | Pandit Raj Shastri Ji

Vedic astrology holds its roots to the ancient times, more precisely supported by the Vedas, the ancient spiritual textbooks of the Hindu religion and presumably the oldest textbooks of the world as written about 5000 to 8000 times agone, which mentions about it. Astrologer in Delhi is said to Western astrology to be developed at around 2000 to 3000 times ago by the Greeks and Babylonians.

Western astrology is grounded on the relationship participated between the Sun and the Earth. This approach is grounded on the belief that since Sun is the centre of the Solar System, thus Sun is more important to Earth than any other mystical body. Western astrology makes astrological prognostications on the base of the relationship as measured between the Sun and the tropics of the Earth, which are Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn. March 22 is said to be the date on which day and night are of equal durations. This date also marks the morning of the spring. Western astrology credits this date as the morning of the time, unlike January 01 which has been the Roman date of the morning of the time. Being considered as the first date of the morning of the time, Western astrology countries Aries to be the sign starting from this time of the time, with other signs following it.

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Vedic astrology or Astrologer in Mumbai is fully different from Western astrology. Vedic astrology doesn't have any standard to be put into use for depicting starting and end of a time. Vedic astrology is grounded on the positioning of stars and globes, as well as the interrelations participated by them. It doesn't solely calculate on the relationship in between the Sun and the Earth on its reason that Earth is rotating as well as revolving, which results in a change of its equinoxes (the time of equivalency between day and night) by around 50 seconds in a time, which makes it to an impact of a shift of a day in every 72 times. In that case, this relationship gets naturally affected. The signs are needed to be shifted one day back in order to sustain the sense of astrology. This aspect makes Vedic astrology much more accurate and precise than Western astrology.

If you are suffering from Vashikaran and did not get any solution to get rid of problem and if you have sort of problem in your life, do not hesitate to contact the Best Astrologer in Delhi Pandit Raj Shastri Ji.


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